Monday, September 18, 2017

So Much Mystery, So Much Intrigue!- "Something Strange and Deadly" by Susan Dennard

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      The Dead are walking, her brother is missing, her dad is dead, her mom is trying to marry her off, and she is trying to hold down the family finances. When Eleanor Fitt puts more focus on her brother’s disappearance, her life becomes increasingly dangerous as she finds herself in the Spirit-Hunter’s lab more often than would be advisable.
      Something Strange and Deadly was interesting. You’re confused and looking for answers from the very beginning. There is even an air of mystery around Eleanor’s life outside of finding her brother, for example, while she interacts with the charming Clarence Wilcox. Why are the Dead rising? How? There’s even some extra mystery….
      I just kept on turning pages, even when I told myself this is the last chapter, the last page. This story did fall a little flat during society scenes, even though there was plenty of curiosity such as to where this friendship between Clarence and Eleanor would go or what kind of spirit came out of the seance (yes, there is supernatural mischief), but it would pick up when Eleanor would be pulled back to the Spirit-Hunters. I do see how the social gatherings add to the story, though, because Eleanor would have a revelation or something in the scene would help move the story along.
      Something that I really enjoyed about this book is that almost all of the characters tie into the mystery, they’re all connected to the people who are behind everything! Everyone faces their demons, both literally and figuratively! I also enjoyed the change of pace when the scene changed from some sort of social gathering to Eleanor running around with the Spirit-Hunters because of how much more action there is, whether it be Eleanor trying to figure things out or everyone fighting off the Dead. It wasn’t sudden, there would be a couple of paragraphs of transition, but it was faster sometimes which kept me on my toes.
     Your thirst for answers will get the better of you. Once you start reading, you won’t be able to stop. I’m warning you right now, make sure your schedule is empty the next few days because this is one of those page turner stories. It isn't constant action, but your curiosity might just make you finish it!

1 comment:

  1. This seems like a very interesting book, especially when you can't stop reading. You gave a very good synopsis of the book. I can't wait to hear about more books!


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