Monday, January 7, 2019

"The Boneless Mercies" by April Genevieve Tucholke

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    Boneless Mercies have managed to stay in business throughout constant changes to the world around them. They travel in groups across Vorseland, being paid very little to end the lives of those who suffer from illness or old age, the sight of their signature raven cloaks enough to turn most away. Frey, Ovie, Runa, and Juniper are one such group of Boneless Mercies and they travel with a former healer named Trigve. They all want to live different lives outside of the death trade. As they’re traveling between jobs, the group hears that a beast has been ravaging a jarldom in northern Vorseland. Will this group of Boneless Mercies bring an end to one jarldom’s suffering? If they go up against this beast, they will have a challenging journey ahead of them with danger lurking in the depths of the Red Willow Marsh and the forests of Blue Vee.
    Overall, I enjoyed this story! It was imaginative and makes me envision a world similar to the Vikings, at least in the general knowledge of them that I have because of the clothes, hair, weapons, and warrior mentality that most characters in this story have. I was not a big fan of the point of view this story was written in even though I understand that it adds to what Frey wanted out of her life, being known for something worthy of a saga, one known by all of Vorseland.
    The pace of the story was also a little slow for me. In hindsight, I see that there has to be a build up of events that lead to them leaving the Mercy trade. They even explore each of the options that they have. We end up being able to hear the stories of how each Mercy ended up becoming a part of the death trade, which is very interesting.
    I like that there was not any definitive romance until the end because it makes the story unique and adds to the chosen point of view. Frey has a possible romantic relationship with Jarl Roth but goes with her close friend Trigve while he attends healer school. Ovie, Runa, Juniper, and Trigve get close to people the group encounters throughout the story but they do not seem to amount to anything serious. It is a relatable situation, though, because it’s confusing and blurry when you’re a part of the situation.
    This group’s journey as Boneless Mercies is unique and pretty dark, to say the least, but they embark on a journey to make their line of work famous. Will you tag along?

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