Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What Exactly is the Bookworm's Journey?

My biggest goal for this blog is to encourage other people to branch out and read books from different genres. The reviews that I have posted were about books that I read that I would not normally read. 
I used to always just read Young Adult fiction and would never stray from books everyone else my age was reading. I would always read the books I needed to for class, so I figured that those were different from what I normally read. As school went on, the books we read started to seem the same. Every year there seemed to be a dystopian novel on either the summer reading list or the syllabus. At one point, I told myself that I never wanted to read another dystopian novel if I could help it. Then, I came across Crazy House by James Patterson. I have read all of Patterson’s young adult novels and I love them, so I gave this one a try because I had no idea it was a dystopian novel- I was just along for the ride!
I have never read a zombie book (at least not that I can remember) before Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard. They always seemed interesting to me, but always got overshadowed by other books. I thought that zombies in books would scary me too much. I picked up Something Strange and Deadly because I thought that I wouldn’t be interested in finishing it, so that I could focus on school. Naturally, I got drawn into the mystery of why the Dead are coming back from their graves and the other mysteries that present themselves throughout the book. The zombies took a backseat and were nothing like the ones from The Walking Dead! Maybe I’ll read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame- Smith and Jane Austen soon…..
Nonfiction never really crossed my mind, fiction always had my attention. I came across Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond on Pinterest, just looking through book list pins.  The book list I found Guns, Germs, and Steel under was called “Books That Changed My Life”. I read what the blogger said and that caught my attention because I took a class called Human Geography in high school that I really enjoyed, so I immediately looked it up on my local library’s website and went to check it out. Like I said in my review, it took me a good chunk of the summer to read this book, but I liked it because I was learning so much!
Maybe it’s because I really need to explore past the teen fiction section of my local library.... I just know that I picked them because they sounded interesting to me. It’s like looking for hidden gems: you look in new places to find something shiny that catches your eye. You can’t keep looking in the same place for hidden gems because soon you’ll run out of places to look or you won’t treasure what you find as much as you used to! Would you try venturing out every once in awhile to find a unique gem?

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