Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Reading Style Out of this World- "Illuminae" by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

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In the very distant future, Kady and Ezra are having a worse day than you and I. They are in the thick of a war between mining corporations along with everyone else on the ice planet they call their home. Luckily, a fleet of space ships comes to their aid and evacuates everyone they can- there is just one problem though- an enemy warship has been sent to kill all witnesses of the attack. On top of that, a mystery plague has started mutating and making its way through workers and refugees alike. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) installed on one ship has also gone rogue with the intention of protecting everyone on the ship.

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff was fun to read! The story is told through various official documents like emails, IMs, interview transcripts, reports, schematics, and military files. It takes a little bit to get used to the different style, but it is very engaging. You can get through it quickly, so it’s a good thing that this book is very long, over five-hundred pages! This story is just incredible and very well thought out. It was very intricate and I had to double back a couple of times to fully understand what was going on, but that’s just me reading too fast! I just really enjoyed reading this story because it was so dynamic, you can tell that a lot of thought and creativity went into the story.
What drew me in to this story was that it would be told through various types of documents because I do not think that I have ever read a book where the story is told this way. Even people who do not normally enjoy reading, will like reading this book, I think because the documents are so quick to read and your eyes are not just looking at blocks of text. There are so many good things to say about this book! I just feel like the ending came a bit out of nowhere, but hopefully this gets explained in the other books. This can also be seen as a good thing, though, because the twists are true surprises to everyone even though you have been following the story so closely. I think that many people will enjoy reading this book and hopefully the rest of the trilogy because I want to find out what happens next!

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